Sunday 28 December 2014


Hello everyone
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas, today I wanted to make just a short blog, just to say I hope you had a Very Merry Christmas and I hope you have a Happy new year if your curious as to what I got my what I got for Christmas 2014 video is uploading on youtube, i'll let you know when it's up the link to my youtube is 

- Hope

Tuesday 23 December 2014

A little update♥

Hello everyone♥,

I know I haven't been blogging that much lately, In fact I haven't blogged at all oops..
But i'm back and I thought i'd take the time to write this post as it's a bit different to all my other blogs so here goes.

Some of the stuff your about to read may be the cringiest stuff you have EVER read but oh well.

Okay so before I started blogging I was a completely different person, 
( I did tell you this was going to be cringey...)

I wasn't the most confident person, I would always care what people think and worry about my appearance and what other people think of me, but now I've come to realise that it doesn't bother me now about what people think in the end if you don't like what I do or who I am that's your opinion, and it doesn't bother me because I'm my own person and everyone is different and special in their own way.

So now that's that bit over this is probably going to be the cringiest bit but I would really like to take the time to thank you all so much, this may only be a small blog that very few people read but, it just makes me so happy to think that people take time out of their day to read stuff that I write well type really..

Thank you if you are one of those few people who do read my stuff your support really does mean a lot, and i'm so grateful to all of you.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Yours Kindly 

Hope x

Thursday 4 December 2014

The beauty blogger tag♥

Yes, i'm sorry this is another tag but I promise my next post will be a lot better!

1. Why did you start blogging and how long have you been blogging for?
I started blogging because one of my friends and beauty bloggers (
You really should go check her blog out as it's amazing!
Yeah, Because she recommended it to me and I'm so glad she did
as I really enjoy doing it and I find it so interesting to read other blogs

2. Whose blog did you fall in love with first?
Without a doubt Zoe's (Zoella) she's my idol and I just find her so inspiring!♥

3. What was the first blogosphere hyped about product that you bought? Was it worth the hype?
I think it was Lush's Snow Fairy Shower Gel, I love it and yes it was definitely worth the hype, I love the scent and it's just overall amazing!♥

4. What are your 5 favourite things about blogging and being a beauty blogger?
1. To be able to talk and meet new people just by blogging!

2. Being able to view other people's blogs to see what they think about certain products and ect..

3. Writing blog posts! I think it's so fun to be able to voice your opinions ect, and it's my hobby so of course I would enjoy it

4. Even though I very rarely get any I love reading your comments as it makes me so happy and I love to know what your all thinking.

5. Just everything about blogging really!♥

5. What have your learnt from being a beauty blogger?
To voice your opinions and don't care what anyone thinks about it!
I was really nervous about starting a blog because I was scared about being made fun of, but I now realise I will always have my friends to support me which I'm very grateful about, So don't worry about what other people think be you because there will always be someone to support you.

6. Have you changed anything since becoming a beauty blogger?
Nope, not anything that I can think of.

7. What advice would you give to a beauty blogger just starting out?
Be you and do it your way, just because other people like/do things a certain way doesn't mean you need to so just do what you feel comfortable with.

8. What are your top 5 makeup brands?
1. Topshop's very own lipsticks as you get them in so many beautiful shades!

2.  Again this is another lipstick product but the Rimmel London 'Kate collection'
They are my favourites and they are so long lasting and beautiful.

3. P.S I love lipstick which is actually primarks brand of makeup/lipsticks I have one which is a peachy/nude colour it doesn't have a name or number ect, but I can tell you it's a really beautiful colour.

4. Little Mix Be your own kind of beautiful full on mascara, it's really good and really long lasting.

5.  Maybelline New York Dream Touch Blush, it's such a pretty creamy/peachy blush and I love it.

9. Recommend your top 5 beauty products.
1. 'Along Came Betty' Hands that do wishes dry hands lotion.

2. Eos Strawberry Sorbet Lip balm.

3. Soap & Glory's Peaches & Clean.

4. Lush's Snow Fairy Shower Gel

5. Dove intensive nourishing lotion.

I hope you all enjoyed this tag as I enjoyed doing it for you
I tag whoever is reading this please let me know if you did this in the comments and I will check it out.

- Hope♥

Monday 1 December 2014

Excited for christmas tag!♥

One of my friends/beauty bloggers did this tag, and I thought it was really good so I decided to try attempt it, here you go :)♥..

1. Are your christmas decorations up? If not, when are you putting them up?
No they aren't, but we may be putting them up on Saturday
2. What's at the top of your christmas list?
Nothing really, but I've asked for 
Some of  Zoella's beauty range as i'm dying to get some as I haven't tried any yet
and they look amazing!♥
3. Do you have an advent calendar?
Surprisingly no I don't, I never really thought about it and I just haven't gotten round to getting
one but I'll definetly be buying one soon♥.
4. Have you bought all your christmas presents or do you leave them all last minute to buy?
I usually go shopping on christmas eve day, and buy them then I'm never
5. Favourite christmas film(s)?
My favourite is either
Nativity 1 or Nativity 2 (I also saw they are bringing a 3rd one out which i'm very excited about)
Or Elf as it's a christmas classic and I love it♥
6. Have you tried the Costa Christmas Range?
No not yet, but I really want to try the Brownie Hot Chocolate one as it looks amazing!♥
7. Favourite christmas scent?
I really the smell of when someone has been cooking something
really nice and christmassy in the kitchen like gingerbread or something like that
or The Yankee Candle 'Candy Cane Lane'♥.
8. Do you wish for a white christmas?
Yes absolutely ! I don't think christmas is the same if it's not♥
9. Typical Christmas Meal?
Roast beef, Carrot and Swede Mash, Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, gravy ect♥..
10. What tops your christmas tree?
It's a little fuchsia pink glittery star♥.
11. Admit it: Do you own a cringey christmas jumper?
No I don't actually but I saw some really cute ones in Primark
12. Do you have any traditions throughout December before Christmas day?
I'll wake up i'll say omg it's (....) days until christmas!♥
That's all!
I hope you enjoyed reading I tag everyone who has read or is reading this♥