Tuesday 23 December 2014

A little update♥

Hello everyone♥,

I know I haven't been blogging that much lately, In fact I haven't blogged at all oops..
But i'm back and I thought i'd take the time to write this post as it's a bit different to all my other blogs so here goes.

Some of the stuff your about to read may be the cringiest stuff you have EVER read but oh well.

Okay so before I started blogging I was a completely different person, 
( I did tell you this was going to be cringey...)

I wasn't the most confident person, I would always care what people think and worry about my appearance and what other people think of me, but now I've come to realise that it doesn't bother me now about what people think in the end if you don't like what I do or who I am that's your opinion, and it doesn't bother me because I'm my own person and everyone is different and special in their own way.

So now that's that bit over this is probably going to be the cringiest bit but I would really like to take the time to thank you all so much, this may only be a small blog that very few people read but, it just makes me so happy to think that people take time out of their day to read stuff that I write well type really..

Thank you if you are one of those few people who do read my stuff your support really does mean a lot, and i'm so grateful to all of you.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Yours Kindly 

Hope x

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